Lyon Data center for the Sciences of the Universe: LyDU

Virtual Observatory Services (astronomical spectroscopy)

The Virtual Observatory is a worldwide effort of the astronomical community to build a network of interoperable services. This is required in order to optimize the usage, and enhance the scientific return of the large surveys and programs carried-on in the various laboratories and observatories. Observatoire de Lyon provides a suite of services that deliver spectra.
This page is at the destination of the VO developers or specialists.
The PHOENIX spectral archive
The PHOENIX SSA gives access to the theoretical spectra contained in the archive.
URL of the classical web interface
Base URL of the SSA
FORMAT=metadata request
Example of data request
Conformance with the standard
The service has been last checked to conform to SSA 1.1 using the VOParis validator on 2016/04/27.
The LySI spectral interpolators
LySI computes interpolated stellar spectra for a set on parameters that include the name of the model, and the three atmospheric parameters, Teff, logg and [Fe/H]. The first version of the spectral interpolator SSA was presented in Prugniel et al. (2008).
URL of the classical web interface
Base URL of the SSA
FORMAT=metadata request
Example of data request
Conformance with the standard
The service has been last checked to conform to SSA 1.1 using the VOParis validator on 2016/04/27.
The HyperLEDA FITS Archive
The HyperLeda FITS archive contains observed reference spectra gathered from multiple sources (benchmark stars, spectral libraries, templates).
URL of the classical web interface
Base URL of the SSA
FORMAT=metadata request
Example of data request
Conformance with the standard
The service has been last checked to conform to SSA 1.1 using the VOParis validator on 2016/04/27.
Simple Spectrum Access (SSA) Implementation : Theoretical services

PHOENIX and LySI are so-called "Theoretical" services, or TSA, in the sense that the standard mandatory parameters of a SSA, POS and SIZE, are not relevant. These services are still implemented as SSA.

The FORMAT=METADATA query returns a VOTable describing all the mandatory and optional parameters supported by the services. Our theoretical services support the mandatory parameters POS and SIZE, and the FORMAT=METADATA response describes the behaviour of the service as an INFO tag (which cannot be automatically interpreted by a client). Therefore, the only chance for a client to identify that POS and SIZE are not relevant for a particular service is to describe it as a TSA (rather than SSA) in the registries (this is in fact the only difference between TSA and SSA). If either POS or SIZE are specified by the client, the services will return no matching data.

The format of the mandatory and optional parameters is described in the IVOA document, but there is no guideline concerning the general (non-standard) parameters of a particular service. These non-standard parameters are fundamental for TSA services. The different implementations of TSA, which actually set the need for TSA and were used as "reference implementations" match the client's provided value with a strict equality, and list the whole choice of acceptable values for a parameter as a series of <OPTION> in a <SELECT>. This mechanism becomes tedious, and possibly non-scalable, when the number of choice is very large. It is even inappropriate for a service that supports input parameter distributed continuously, as for LySI or generally for a computational service.

Our implementation of SSA supports range constraints on any numerical (float or integer) non-standard parameter, as well as strict match. The format follow the template adopted for some of the standard parameters (like e.g. REDSHIFT), itself inspired from the ISO8601 convention for date ranges. In general, the value has the form [low_bound]/[high_bound] (inclusive), and either of the bound may be omitted to specify an open range.

Registered services
The HyperLeda FITS archive (HFA) has been registered as a SSA in 2005, and it continues to be maintained.
The first spectral interpolator (Elodie 3.1) has been registered in 2006 as a SSA; at this time the registries did not allow one to specify the "TSA" flag. Therefore, the service which is still operated as its original address is seen by the clients as a normal (observational) SSA. It is not easy (or maybe impossible) to modify the registries.
The PHOENIX and LySI SSAs are currently not registered, and their address has to be entered directly in the client.